(480) 271-1967 | info@activesolutionspro.com
Analysis Services
Often an integrated part of design activities, we can help estimate the performance of a product before it even exists! Whether a tolerance analysis to ensure that an assembly will come together and operate as intended, a structural analysis to ensure that parts don’t break, or another engineering analysis to quantity performance risk – we can help.
Examples of analytic exercises Active Solutions offers include:
- Direct optimization of design features based on surface response model analysis
- Structural and dynamic analysis of mechanical components and assemblies
- Thermal analysis of systems
- Control engineering (electrical systems)
- Signal integrity simulations for high speed applications
- A wide range of DFx tools to help optimize a design for specific purposes such as cost, manufacturing and rugged environment.
Analysis can also be useful in optimization or failure analysis contexts and as such is useful to understand where a design may be over- or under-designed with the impact of cost or – worst case – improper functionality. Depending on the engineering discipline, Active Solutions therefore offers our expertise to complete an in-depth analysis to recommend where and how to optimize a design.
Design analysis is one of several service areas where Active Solutions provides turnkey product development services to help bring technology to life through innovative engineering, results-oriented project management, and a distinctive focus on customer satisfaction.

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