(480) 271-1967 | info@activesolutionspro.com
Engineering Design Services – Product Development Services
With an idea, a concept, or even just a problem statement in mind, clients come to Active Solutions for help with various aspects of engineering design services and product development. We specialize in bringing technology to life.
Active Solutions uses a proven process for product development services to deliver your projects on schedule, and with our satisfaction guarantee, clients can rely on a risk-free process where results – and ultimately success – are just around the corner. We take concepts from research through development and all the way to rapid in-house production, with flawless attention to detail and superior customer service all the way through the process.
Need help supplementing your in-house team? Outsource to Active Solutions for any of the services below. Let us partner with you on your next product design project!
Our Key Product Development Services:
- Design and Documentation
- Analysis
- Prototyping
- Production
Design and Documentation Services
Our team of engineers span across various disciplines and are well-versed in creating technologies within mechanical, electrical, software and industrial designs.
Active Solutions offers our expertise in both conceptual design as well as detailed design to help your product design and development effort with fresh, innovative ideas. We utilize a mix of tools to make conceptual design a structured, yet innovative process that aims to meet the predefined product design requirements. When faced with an open-ended challenge to develop a conceptual design, we first utilize a mix of tools and design morphology tools along with our proprietary database of design building blocks. Use of these tools often yields several viable design options, which are then narrowed down to a select few (conceptual) options.
Once a conceptual design is ready, we dive into the details with activities such as:
- Create engineering design decisions and trade-off tables for all key features
- Define the full geometry of all parts
- Define material for all parts
- Apply DFx tools (Design for …) during initial design step as applicable
- Identify opportunities of using off-the-shelf parts in place of custom parts
- Identify potential vendors for off-the-shelf parts
- Complete design FMEA and risk assessment
Design Documentation is key for any development and often spans the entire development process in some form or another. Below are examples of various types of documentation that Active Solutions can create.
- 3D design files
- 2D design drawings for patents, manufacturing prints, assembly drawings, etc.
- Photo realistic renderings for marketing and investor packets
- Animations to illustrate operation, assembly, interactions, etc.
- Assembly process documents
- File format conversions from 2D to 3D
- CAD format conversion
- Product overview and descriptions for marketing and/or investors

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
We value confidentiality and are always happy to sign an NDA to keep you protected. Click below link for NDA download.
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